Tynker Projects 2022-23

Students from First through Fifth Grades created Tynker projects this year. In First grade, students begin with a 1 scene 1 or 2 actor story with a few say blocks and by the end of the schook year they are adding multiple actors and some even using the wait block. In second grade students include multiple actors, importing images from outside websites, and removing backgrounds, with some learning to switch backgrounds. In third grade some students are beginning to use hide and show. In fourth grade students are learning to use send and receive messages and adding imported sounds. By Fifth grade students are creating multi-actor, multi-scene stories using send and receive, hide and show, and adding music, combining all the things they have learned over the years.

The Showcases

First Grade

1G and 1O

Second Grade 

2Downs and 2Don

Third Grade 

3C and 3G and 3K

Fourth Grade 

4W and 4Wise

Fifth Grade 

5L and 5SH