Maniac Magee Book Trailers

The fifth grade students recently read Maniac Magee and had the option to choose between creating a book trailer type video using Animoto or notecard confession style video. Both involved the preparation of writing the script or story they wanted to tell, and then making the video. For the confessions the students chose a character and told a piece of the story from that character's point of view. For the Animoto, students summarized the book in book review style leaving the viewer with a cliffhanger. Some students chose to combine the confession style with Animoto and spoke from a character's point of view and incorporated images to illustrate what they were sharing. The music for the notecard confessions is from Youtube's audio library.

By Thatcher

By Riley

By Loukas B

By Torsten

By Lukas C.

By Sadie

By James

By Gray D.

By Finn

By Brody

Maniac Magee by Athena