
(DW 16)

As a result of participating in this Discovery Week course students will:

  • Participants will gain the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies.
  • Participants will be learn the skills to provide professional level care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until advanced medical care take over.

Course Description/Itinerary:

The class will spend the week learning and practicing the necessary skills required to become a certified lifeguard. The course will run Monday - Friday at SFS.


  • Must be 15 years of age by the completion of the course.
  • Swim 300 metres continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing.
  • Candidates may swim freestyle or breaststroke or a combination but may not swim on side or back.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using legs only.
  • Complete a timed event with 1 minute and 40 seconds.
  • No goggles allowed for the event.

Approximate Cost: Under $250

Sponsors: Mr. Cary and Ms. Gray

Course Location: SFS pool

Course Category: Education and Skill Development

Student Leaders: N/A