Cooking with Chef Hahm

(DW 20)

As a result of participating in this Discovery Week course students will:

  • Be able to prepare several easy-to-make dishes, both Korean and Western.
  • Create original yet creative dish of their own.

Course Description/Itinerary:

  • Day 1: Beef Bulgogi (Soy sauce Based) and Pork Bulgogi (Hot pepper based).
  • Day 2: Korean style Mandoo (Dumplings), Yubu-Chobab (Fried Tofu Rice).
  • Day 3: Day trip to Everland (Departing from SFS).
  • Day 4: 떡볶기 and Shepherd pie.
  • Day 5: Cook-off Competition.

These dishes are all very easy to make, and they are so delicious! Learn how to make these, and impress your friends and family. No experience in cooking necessary; just bring positive energy. There will be four groups of four.

(I am willing to take any suggestion from the participants.)


  • Must appreciate Asian food
  • No allergies to spicy food
  • No vegan

Approximate Cost: $500

Sponsors: Mr. Hahm and Ms. Shin

Course Location: On campus (Middle school kitchen)

Course Category: Skill development

Student Leaders: We will need four group leaders. (two male, two female) Application process begins next week. Please send an email to if interested. Leaders have been chosen.

Additional Resources: A complete recipe booklet will be given to all participants.