It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to finding information. Instead of relying on Google or Wikipedia, please consider using the following, high quality websites. Also, make sure to check out our Online Organizers which can be used to keep track of all your different homework assignments.

The State of California has provided students with free online access to some of the best educational resources available. Please click the image on the left to be taken to the full collection.

The following resources are free websites accessible to everyone. They have been collected together by teachers and Learning Commons Techs to provide you with easy access.

Note: websites are grouped together by subject, but there may be some crossover between them.

This page offers up several useful tricks and tips to help with homework assignments and research projects. This includes how to write a biography, which websites you should use, and advice on how to avoid unreliable resources.

Plagiarism is the practice of taking somebody else's work and passing it off as your own. It is a serious academic violation and teachers will issue consequences to any students caught plagiarizing work.

Please click the image on the right for further information about what plagiarism is and how you can avoid it.

Please click this link to check out our online organizers. You can use these documents to keep track of your homework assignments and the date they need to be handed in.