7/14 Week Two: Being Active to Stay Sharp 

"My father used to say that it's never too late to do anything you wanted to do. And he said, 'You never know what you can accomplish until you try.'" – Michael Jordan

Hello everyone,

It's week two of the summer semester, and we are excited to dive into topics that cover fun and engaging activities to do during the summer. Have you taken a moment to explore the resources available on our class website, bfclass.com, and the lesson plans?

I hope the orientation went well and that you learned a lot about our program and BrainHQ. As we move forward, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance with any of the materials.

Enrollment Fest!

Fall enrollment is open now, so join us for the Enrollment Fest and take advantage of these opportunities. Need help registering? Don’t worry! Campuses will have events to help students enroll.

Each event will provide the following: 

Last Week: Orientation

 The Brain Fitness team is here to both support you and learn from you.   Grab this opportunity and gain all that you can from it.   Together we will build a better future for ourselves, and those around us.  Thank you for being here. 

This Week:  Being Active to Stay Sharp

Being active helps keep our brains sharp, just as targeted physical exercise keeps our bodies fit. This summer, you can engage in activities that challenge and stimulate your mind. Activities should be novel, varied, and constantly challenging to promote mental fitness and neuroplasticity effectively. Embracing lifelong learning and enjoyable activities can build a robust cognitive reserve and maintain cognitive health. 

Zoom Sessions and Links

You will find everything about our Zoom sessions, including times, links to each session, and much more, on our class website (bfclass.com) under the Zoom Classroom tab at the top.

Below is the schedule of Basics Zoom sessions starting on Tuesday, July 9. You may attend whichever one is most convenient.

Back to Basics

§  Tuesdays  11:30 – 1:00 PM  (Yael Lorberfeld, Instructor, with Erika Peralta)

§  Thursdays, 10:30 – 12:00 PM (Yael Lorberfeld, Instructor with Erika Peralta)


Quick Links

● Brain Fitness website: http://bfclass.com/

○       Weekly e-mails: Weekly Emails

○      Zoom classrooms: Zoom Classroom

● For the BrainHQ exercises, just click: www.brainhq.com

Basics Instructors

Your instructors are here to help you, so please let us know if you have any questions. For the Summer 2024 Brain Fitness Basics class, your instructors are:

We look forward to an exciting and productive summer with you all.

Best regards,

The Brain Fitness Instructor Team 

Yael Lorberfeld



Ericka Peralta
