7/20 Week Three: Practice Patience

Welcome to Week 3! 

Hello all,

Welcome to our third week of Brain Fitness. I hope everyone is enjoying the material and finding ways to apply what we learn in class. If you haven’t yet, try to incorporate something you learned this week or last week.


Fall registration: Fall enrollment has started! Don't forget to register for classes, and it's better to do it before classes get full. This fall semester, we will have lots of options available.  View available options for fall by clicking here. If you need help with registration, student services are here to help. You can visit sdcestudent55.com for information on contacting SDCCD for help.

Help enrolling: Need in-person help enrolling for the fall? Or have a friend who wants to join our classes but is new to the system? Attend Enrollment Fest for all things registration! These sessions will be held at all campuses on different days and times in July. View the flyer with days and times by clicking here.

Need help from SDCCD?  Having difficulty accessing Canvas?  Have you forgotten your password?  Any problems registering?  Our student website has added some important contact information including websites, phone numbers, and online tickets.  To view this, go to  sdcestudent55.com.  It is right on the home page.

Is your browser saying that our course website is not safe? Browsers are becoming more tuned in with safe (https) websites.  This level of safety ensures that your data is encrypted end to end.  Our course is created with google sites, which is a safe (https) website.  But our course shortcut is only http.  Bottom line:  If your browser is questioning if the website is safe, add http:// to the address.  (http://sdcestudent55.com, http://bfclass.com, http://cwtsdce.org )  Once connected, you will see that the address switches to https://sites.google.com/....

Quizzes:  Although they are not graded, the quizzes are helpful for cementing certain details about the lesson.  They score automatically for immediate gratification.  It is also a way that we know you are paying attention.  Please consider doing the quiz each week.

Recordings:  We record one class each week.  It will be found on the course website.  Usually it is just the lesson, but last week's also described the new single sign in for Canvas.  Take a look at it if you have time.

Last week:  Gratitude

Last week, we explored gratitude, identifying what we're thankful for, sharing in small groups, and starting a gratitude journal. We discussed the benefits of gratitude, including improved mental and physical health, better sleep, stronger relationships, increased empathy, higher self-esteem, and greater resilience. Research shows that gratitude can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress while fostering a positive mindset and overall life satisfaction.

This week:  Practicing patience

This week, we will focus on patience. Patience is a valuable gift linked to better physical and emotional health. While willpower can help, imagination might be a more sustainable way to achieve patience, with the brain playing a significant role, particularly through serotonin production. Practicing patience benefits both you and those around you. Review the class ahead of time and take advantage of the videos to help you learn more.  Also, the handout will provide the information you need to better understand patience.  And of course, take the quiz!

 To access the course website, go to:  cwtsdce.org>Lifestyle and a Healthy Brain> Week 3 Practicing Patience (or click here).

Zoom schedule:

Remember you can join any of the sections if you are enrolled in one. This information is also found on our course website under Zoom sessions, Summer 2024.

Back to Basics:

Tuesdays: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (Instructor: Yael Lorberfeld, with Erika Peralta)

Thursdays: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Instructor: Yael Lorberfeld, with Erika Peralta)

Lifestyle and a Healthy Brain:

Tuesdays: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM (Instructor: Mindy Sloan)

Wednesdays: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM (Instructor: Mindy Sloan)

Wednesdays: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (Instructor: Mary Burns)

Thursdays: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM (Instructor: Mary Burns)

Fridays: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM (Instructor: Erika Peralta)

Quick Links:

Class Website: bfclass.com

BrainHQ Exercises: www.brainhq.com

Weekly Emails: Weekly Emails

Instructor Contacts:

Mary Burns, MA MS: mburns@sdccd.edu

Mindy Jo Sloan, Ph.D.: msloan@sdccd.edu | 760-317-6688

Erika Peralta, MPH: eperalta@sdccd.edu

 If you have any questions or thoughts, don't hesitate to reach out.


Looking forward to an enriching semester ahead!


Enjoy a brain-healthy week!  We look forward to seeing you in our new semester. 


Your Brain Fitness Instructor Team,

Mary, Mindy, Yael, and Erika