Week 1: Summer 2024 Orientation

Welcome to the Brain Fitness Basics Summer 2024 class!

Quick Links 


Welcome, students, to this exciting semester where we will delve into the fascinating world of brain functioning in a fun and dynamic way.

 I am thrilled to have you all here, and I'm confident that this course will be both enlightening and enjoyable. 

Two Key Components of Our Class: 

1.Our website 

Our class website will be the central hub for all course-related activities. Here's what you can expect:

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the website and check it regularly to stay on top of all class activities.

2. BrainHQ Program

One of the most exciting aspects of this course is that each of you will receive a license for BrainHQ, a cutting-edge brain training program. Here’s how we’ll be using it:

Objectives of the Course: 

Course Structure: 

Lectures and Readings

Each week, we'll cover different topics related to brain functioning. Make sure to attend lectures or see the recorded video to fully grasp the material. 

Interactive Sessions

We will have interactive sessions where we can discuss concepts in more depth and engage in activities that reinforce what we've learned. 

Regularly scheduled BrainHQ sessions will be part of your homework. These sessions are designed to be engaging and beneficial for your cognitive health. 

The Five Classes for the Semester:

1. Orientation


Key Activities:

2. Being Active Helps My Brain Stay Sharp / Activities for the Summer


Key Topics:

3. Exercises to Improve Memory


Key Topics:

4. Summer Activities to Reduce Stress for a Healthy Brain


Key Topics:

5. Learning in a Fun Way Helps My Brain / Semester Conclusion


Key Topics:

BrainHQ Account Assistance 


If you have any questions regarding your BrainHQ account, please contact Professor Erika Peralta. For inquiries about account information or if you need a BrainHQ account, please reach out to her at eperalta@sdccd.edu. 

BrainHQ Login:  Your login is the email address that you used when registering for BrainHQ and the semester in which you first took a Brain Fitness course.  If this is your first semester, your password will be summer24

Would you like to know more about Brain HQ? Please watch this video!


By joining our class, you have taken a big step forward on a path to greater joy and fulfillment.  We hope that you recognize that you have the choice and ability to influence your brain health.  The Brain Fitness team is here to both support you and learn from you.   Grab this opportunity and gain all that you can from it.   Together we will build a better future for ourselves, and those around us.  Thank you for being here. 

I am very excited to embark on this journey with you all. Together, we will explore the incredible capabilities of the human brain and learn ways to keep it sharp and healthy. Let's get started and make this semester an unforgettable learning experience!