CHARMS Login Information:

    • Be sure to login as "Parents/Students/Members"

    • School Code is: Spaulding

    • Your password is the student ID number used in Infinite Campus unless you have changed it

    • If you need your password reset there is no automated means to do so, but you can contact Mr. Goodwin through Remind and he can reset it manually at his earliest opportunity.


Online Payments

The Spaulding Music Department is excited to announce that we are now able to accept online credit card payments for fees and other bills through our CHARMS Parent/Student Portal using PayPal (no account required - just use the guest checkout option)! This is just one of several new features offered through the system with others to follow in the future.

Students were supplied with their Charms ID # earlier this year and a "one-sheet" that explains how to log on to the system.

A copy of the instructions can be found HERE. Ask your child for their ID number, or contact Lori McLaughlin for assistance.

Please Note: A small surcharge will be added to each transaction to cover processing fees charged by PayPal.

We hope this service provides you a welcome alternative to sending money or checks in with your students, however you may also continue to pay using any of the methods with which you have in the past.