All students using school-owned instruments must fill out, have signed, and return an


  • Once you receive an instrument, you are responsible for its care and return. You will be charged for repairs or replacements as needed.

  • All parts must be maintained in working order (slides, valves, etc.). Valve oil, slide cream, and cork grease are your friends!

  • The outside of brass and woodwind instruments should be clean, and when possible, shiny. Do not use any polishes or other cleaners without permission of a Director. The inside of the instrument should be kept clean as well.

  • Drums and carriers should be clean and in good working order with clean heads and taped sticks in good condition. Check tension on the heads regularly.

  • Keys and frames of mallet instruments should be clean and fraying/broken cords replaced as needed. Inspect hardware and pedal mechanisms regularly.

  • Only the hard case provided with each instrument is to be used for storing the instrument or packing the instrument for travel. Gig bags are not sufficient.

  • On trips, members are responsible for ensuring their own instruments and luggage get loaded. Don’t assume that anything left on the ground will be taken care of by someone else – it may remain where left.

  • See next section for School Instrument Guidelines as applicable. It’s also good for personal instruments.


The Spaulding Music Department provides instruments to many members of the instrumental ensembles. Instruments are signed out in CHARMS at the beginning of the year (or as needed) and checked in at the conclusion of the year or when no longer needed by the individual. Failure to return an instrument by the designated date may result in a hold being placed on the student’s account, which could prevent the student from participating in any graduation activities (and possibly other sanctions) until such time as the instrument is returned good working order, or the cost of replacement has been rendered to the Department. Parents may wish to consider adding a rider to their insurance that will cover instruments checked-out from the Music Department in the event of theft or damage.

In order to maintain them for current and future use, great care must be given to the instruments. Please watch each other and ensure that you are taking care of the instrument as well as (or better than) you would take care of your own. You will be held responsible for damage beyond reasonable wear and tear. Continued problems may lead to fees or other measures.


  • Instruments must be stored properly in their assigned location.

  • Instruments must be stored in their cases outside of rehearsals and performances.

  • Instruments and cases must not be left in the middle of the floor. Return them to the assigned place when not actively being used.

  • NOTHING, aside from what is intended should be stored in your case. Bent keys and other damage could likely result.

  • No instrument shall be transported in a vehicle UNLESS it is in its hard case. If you are unable to fit the instrument case in a car, you may not transport the instrument in that car.

  • In the case of inclement weather, instruments must be dried thoroughly before being put away.

  • Any and all damage or required maintenance to the instruments or cases must be reported to Mr. Goodwin IMMEDIATELY. The student will be responsible for writing up the issue thoroughly so that it can be addressed. We have the ability to do small repairs in-house. Larger repairs may need to be sent out and may result in the instrument being unavailable for up to several weeks. In some cases loaner instruments may not be available. Prevention is the best medicine!

  • Do not allow anyone else to play your instrument as you will be responsible for any damage they incur.

  • Do not drag cases on the ground. Get help if needed!


  • A past lack of care has led to an inordinate number of dents and creases on the instruments. Do nothing to further deteriorate their condition!

  • Never leave the instrument standing on its bell unattended. Keep a hand on it at all times.

  • Do not drop, shove, or force the instrument to the ground ... especially on its bell. Whenever possible you should never place the instrument on pavement, concrete, or other hard surfaces.

  • ALL concert and marching leadpipes, clamps, and mouthpieces MUST be stored in the provided case. Whenever possible you should never let any metal parts float free in the case. Place them in the designated compartment or on the instrument.

  • Mouthpieces that do not belong to you should be returned with the instrument.

  • Do not "cannibalize" other instruments to repair your own! Instead, report missing parts to Mr. Goodwin.


  • Mellophone and trumpet mouthpieces and lyres must be removed from the instrument and stored appropriately before returning the instruments to their cases. In case of a stuck mouthpiece, we have mouthpiece pullers - see Mr. Goodwin.

  • Mouthpieces must be stored in their proper place within the cases and returned with the instrument if they do not belong to you.

  • Instruments MAY NOT be transported in a backpack.


  • Extra caution must be taken because of the fragility of the instruments.

  • Swab the instrument whenever possible following performances and rehearsals to remove extra moisture.

  • Do not store with a swab inside the instrument.

  • Maintain the neckstrap or harness for future use and ensure these are returned with the instrument if they do not belong to you.

  • Use plastic bags to protect the instrument and its pads in inclement weather, or put in cases as instructed.


  • Except in circumstances where they are left out to dry, drums must be stored with their covers properly on and in their assigned location in the marching percussion closet.

  • Covers must be on at all times and removed only for performances or as instructed. When not in use, covers must be stored neatly inside of cases.

  • Do not store extra materials that could damage the shells, hardware, or heads inside the cases.

  • Marching hand cymbals must be stored in their cases and in their proper place.

  • Any accessories should be stored with care, not carelessly tossed in a pile.

  • Recycle unneeded paperwork.

  • Carriers must be hung up properly.


  • ALL instruments that have covers MUST be covered after each use and at the end of every rehearsal.

  • All mallets, sticks, and auxiliary instruments should be returned to their proper home following each use and at the end of every rehearsal. They should never be left unattended on or near the instruments as that invites misuse and theft.

  • All instruments should be returned to their default setup and location at the end of every rehearsal.

  • Instruments should be throughly dried after exposure to condensation or rainfall.

  • Instruments should be covered with tarps when outside in any inclement weather or when exposed to sun for long periods of disuse.


  • Keep silks clean poles taped.

  • All auxiliary equipment should be taped and ready for performance.

  • On trips, members are responsible for ensuring their own equipment gets loaded. Don’t assume that anything left on the ground or in a closet or locker will be taken care of by someone else – it may remain where left. If you are meeting us at performance location be sure to designate someone to take care of loading your instrument.


  • Flip folios will be assigned to each instrumentalist at the start of the new season and collected at the end of the year. It is the student's responsibility to ensure it is populated with the proper music (and in the proper order) and kept in good working order. Loss of any flip folio will result in a $25 replacement fee.

  • It is the student's responsibility to purchase and maintain a functional lyre for their instrument. Every instrumentalist needs a lyre with the exception of flutes, baritones, tubas, and front ensemble members. In the case of the former 3 their "lyre" is built into their flip folio. The front ensemble does not march, therefore they use full-sized sheetmusic and they are responsible for maintaining a 3-ring binder for their use.

  • When at the field for marching band, all instruments and belongings must be posted neatly and safely away from the front sideline and well behind the podium. Anything closer must be kept clear for performance needs.

  • Never step on, sit on, or "ride" on any equipment, including guard equipment, instruments, lyres, cases etc.

  • Props and set pieces must be cared for properly. Please take care not to damage them and to help make sure they get stored neatly and carefully.

  • Yard markers, podiums, and sideline ladders must be deployed and returned for all designated rehearsals and performances. Proper care should always be taken to return these items to their proper location and to keep them in good working order.


  • Regardless of rehearsal or performance location, nobody shall leave until the space or spaces are fully tidied and everything is returned to its pre-rehearsal/performance condition.

  • Any vandalism to our facilities will result in disciplinary action and possible expulsion from the program.

  • Adhere to all posted and announced rules as to the disposal of trash, recycling, and foodstuff. Failure to abide by these rules, particularly when in the Music Department for meals, may result in loss of privileges in those spaces. Assume that all disposables must be removed ASAP and prior to the conclusion of each rehearsal or performance - preferably by whomever generated the waste.

  • Due to space constraints, bags and backpacks are NOT allowed in the rehearsal halls. Students should use the cubbies or a school locker to store such items. Percussionists may use Mr. Goodwin's room IF NEEDED.

  • CLASSROOMS: When using classrooms outside of the Department for lessons, sectionals, etc. it is imperative that the space be left EXACTLY as it was found. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU! Return any furniture that may have been moved to its original location and ensure that all windows are closed. Never use the teacher's desk, computer, or other personal belongings.

  • AUDITORIUM: Though we tend to use it more than most, the auditorium is a shared space. At the end of each use, unless otherwise instructed, the stage must be cleared. Any contents remaining must be moved to the wings, placed along the back wall, or in the pit. Space must always be available to drop the projection screen at a moment's notice.

  • CUBBIES: Cubbies in the Music Department foyer are meant for TEMPORARY storage of personal items only. No one individual can claim a cubby for permanent use. Sign out a school locker!

  • INSTRUMENT LOCKERS: Instrument Lockers are for storage of INSTRUMENTS and related accessories ONLY. Under no circumstances should school books, clothing, and especially food or drink be stored in them. School lockers can and should be signed out for these purposes. EVERY woodwind and brass instrument must be in a locker or in its assigned location when not in use.

  • STAND & CHAIR RACKS: Racks are there for the purpose of storing chairs and stands. Please use them! No more than 20 chairs per rack or they may topple. Music stands may be left out at percussion instruments as there is not enough storage space on the racks. Stands and chairs should be cleared at the end of each day to ensure that the floors get swept.

  • PERCUSSION SECTION: Non-percussionists should avoid passing through the percussion section whenever possible. Do not leave instrument cases within the boundaries of the section. NOTHING should ever be placed on top of the timpani or any other percussion instrument ... they are instruments - not tables.

  • PERCUSSION CLOSETS: Percussion closets are for storage of percussion instruments and related equipment ONLY. There is to be no congregating, changing, or other use of those spaces.

  • GUARD CLOSET: The guard closet, like the percussion closets, are for storage of guard equipment ONLY. There is to be no congregating, changing, or other use of that space.

  • UNIFORM CLOSETS & AUSSIE BOXES: Following every marching band performance uniforms are to be returned to their assigned location unless otherwise instructed. All aussie boxes must be returned to the top of the cabinets.

  • SOUND SYSTEM & A/V EQUIPMENT: Do not touch the sound system if you have not been shown how to properly operate it. If there is a problem, notify Mr. Goodwin. DO NOT start playing with cables and connections yourself ... you will likely only make the problem worse. Keep volumes at a reasonable level and be sensitive to other activities taking place in the room.

  • COMPUTERS: Food and drink are not allowed near any of the Department computers. Keep the workstations neat and clean. The school's computer and electronics policies are in full effect at all times.