About Us

The San Pablo Historical Society makes it possible for members of the community to learn about the city and how it evolved from its agrarian roots and its beginnings as a Rancho to a city called San Pablo.

The Society maintains an archive of historic photos and documents chronicling the history of San Pablo.

The Historical Society always welcomes Volunteers; no prior museum experience is necessary.

The Executive Board consists of five positions elected for a one year term at the January meeting. The board exists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and according to our bylaws Chairmen(sic) of the Standing Committees. We recently added Director of Historical Research to our board positions.

Present board members are:

President, Janet Pottier

Vice President, David A. Anaya

Secretary, Anna Villalobos

Treasurer, James McCarty

Sandy Liaw

Director of Historical Research, Roxy Miraválle


City of San Pablo Liaison, Anne Austin