Leading Lines

I am perticulary proud of this photo, in relation to my concentration and its composition, This so far has been one of my strongest images in my opinion. this photo was taken with my Iphone 7 I am enjoying finding the limits of this camera and what it is good at doing and bad at doing, it is very well versed in natural forms and lighting, giving it traction while taking photos specifically pertaining to my concentration. This photo is taken looking up at the top of a wood pile with a sawn 2x4 leaning againced it. to take this picture I changed the perspecive by looking up from the bottom of the 2x4, this made it look as if it was getting smaller as you look more to the top of the picture creating the illusion of the board being the "flat" reference and the stacked wood being beneath it, this look works very well in the photo. this photo was unedited besides very minor touch ups to brightness, Nature and the difference in color between natural and unnatural color is best expressed when little to no editing is done, in my opinion.