Time Capsules

For this project we had to spend half and hour on four different prompts. The first prompt was to draw something that represents our past. I created a tea pot because I have always loved tea and my mother bought me this particular pot when I was younger. I sketched it in graphite. The second prompt was to draw a crumpled piece of paper. I sketched this in graphite as well and went in with detail with a darker pencil. The third prompt was to create an object that represents our future. I drew a compass to represent my future travels. I am a senior this year and will be leaving the state of Maine for college. This represents the next adventure in my life. The last prompt was to draw a part of your body zoomed in. I drew my lips using a mirror. This was difficult because it was hard not to move and the light in my room changed due tot the sun setting. It made the shadows difficult to tackle.