pure contour drawings

In these pieces of art we had to draw an object using just lines and no shading or filling in areas. I also had to draw a side view of my shoe, a bird's eye view, and just a regular image. The title of my shoe drawings are all called "shoe". I like how all of them came out. I used pencil and eraser. A big part of these projects is empty space or blank space. I tried to use bold lines just to make Mrs. Medsker happy. I also tried my best to make as much detail as possible. There's nothing special I just drew a shoe because I had to and I tried following the rules. I didn't learn anything because I just drew a shoe and a hand. I won't try and do anything differently next time because I don't want to, and I would never draw a shoe again because i'm not gonna keep making art unless it's for school, i'm just trying to get good grades. All I had was a pencil, paper, and an eraser. I didn't use any art techniques with my pencil, if i did i didn't try to, all i see is lines creating a shoe. There's no patterns or rhythm its just a shoe, i left out the patterns because thats what my teacher wanted. My hand is very special, theres lines, and more lines, and even more lines, and all those special lines form a hand and it took me hours to get the right lines because i wanted them to be extra special with special sprinkled on top. The hand really describes me because it is my hand, not because i used my own techniques. Just like the shoe it's just a hand, but it's somehow special and i guess the shoe is also special. I looked at the paper while drawing my hand and thought to myself, "this line goes there because thats where the line on my hand is" nothing else, just that. The only way the hand is different from everyone else's hand is because its my hand. Not because I put extra thought into it because its just a drawing of a hand with no color. I am proud of all the lines i created with my pencil and paper to create a hand.