Final Reflection

Time Capsules - Sep.11

Beautiful Oops - Sep. 13

Class Collaboration - Sep. 19

Zentangle Value Strip - Sep. 29

Negative Space Leaves - Oct. 5

Pure Contour - Oct. 25

Zoomed Shoe - Nov. 2

Linear Perspective - Nov. 6

Candy still life - Nov. 27

Mixed media Drawing - Dec. 11

Self Portrait - Jan. 5

Artist Inspired - Jan. 16

Oil pastel color study - Feb. 6

Donate life - Feb. 16

Color design - March 7

Surrealist painting - March 26

Scratchboard - April 9

Gelatin Prints - April 23

Sgraffito clay tile - May 1

Linoleum Prints - May 7

Wire Sculpture - May 21

Assemblage Sculpture - June 5

Independent project - June 11

Final Reflection Summary

My overall experience was hard. I learned that there is a rough and stressful side of art. Especially when your art is being judged and it needs to fit certain criteria. The year was very stressful towards art class. This helped me realize that I have my own opinion and I can do what I want when i'm making art but when it is not going well I learned to adjust. I learned that I don't always need to take in other people's opinions in my own art unless I am in school. I definitely took away a lot from this class.

Some processes I enjoyed were creating my final ideas while putting it on paper. I didn't like planning and sketching, I like to get right into the creating part especially when we only have a certain amount of time to create a piece of art. With my assemble project I didn't like cutting out the cardboard but I liked putting the pieces together. In the surrealist painting project I didn't like making a photoshop of my piece that I had imagined in my head. I wanted to just make the final piece. The products I am proud of are the independent project, wire sculpture, sgraffito clay, color design, zoomed shoe, and the zentangle value strip.

To prove I met the standards I have a knowledge of what type of art is which and I gained knowledge on different skills and different techniques. I learned how to make wire sculptures, I learned how to paint better, I learned how to make a one point perspective, I learned how to make pixel art, I learned how to use blank space, I learned how to have good picture quality, I learned how to blend and shade and draw better, I learned how to make things realistic. I improved on fitting certain criteria. I listened to peer critiquing and I focused on fixing certain details. I improved on everything I did, I have a better understanding of how to make art in different ways. I took away certain rules.

Art relates to my life by having people in my family who are artists, my grandparents are/were artists. I like using art to express my type of mindset. It helps me get points across without discussing it and wasting my time. The satisfaction of creating something that makes you think without words is what makes art interesting to me. I connect with art because I am a very visual person and art is like eye candy to me. It makes me happy because it calms me down and I feel satisfaction. Its like saying whats on your mind without people giving you crap. Everyone has their own opinion but when you create a piece your opinion gets shared to tons of eyes that walk by and you get to feel happy about your own opinion. I guess the satisfaction part is the fact that you have an idea that others don't, because everyone has their own little idea. Art is something that helps with my ADHD. People with ADHD would understand that having it is crazy and it's not that easy to calm down, so art helps me calm down and express myself. I like how there is no right or wrong in art, unless it's part of your job.

Art Final (1).mp4