Who am i...

Well, I have asked myself that question millions and millions times, but I guess I can start with the basic.

My name is Dianella, and although I'm not very happy with my name at least I can say that I'm very happy with my life.

I was born in Santiago, Chile on the 26th of may in 1999 and lived in the big city for almost my entire life.

I love riding on my bike and hang out with my friends whenever I can. I recognized that I have been pretty lucky to meet the people that I know nowadays!

When I was ten I discover that I was a Hipster. Well, I wasn't concerned about the concept of being one, but I knew something was going on in my head. I notice the "symptoms" when I start dressing in a really extravagant way and try to be as much different from the others as I could. It was pretty funny though, many years later I could understand the reason of my particular weird outstanding behaviour.