Observational Sketches

What do I see?

Sometimes we just need to stop for a moment, to appreciate our surroundings.
 How can such as simple elements become an art piece?

The subject of this drawing is a lonely autumn.

Basically it's made with different tone of graph pencils and pigments liners to do the edges.

My childhood was lonely in the past, the empty chair represents for me, the absence that people; I've spent many years in school and I just had one true friend. Since fall is my favourite station I decided to show in this works this two aspects (loneliness and autumn) that represent an aspect of my life. I also got an especial attraction on windows, since it was something that I didn't have in my bedroom. A window that could let me see the outside was one of the things that i really wished I had.

I worked with the elements of value and contrast. I used darker pens to add more value and make more emphasis on the tree and the chair which are the focus points in this drawing.

In the process of doing the sketches I thought on just doing the tree, but then I saw the chair in front of the window and the tree and realize it would look very good to draw this.