Google Doodles

Cat's Empire

The subject of my drawing is about that cats are going to rule the world in the future, 'cause they already are all over the internet.

The "oo" give me the idea of a pair of glasses and then I decided this black and white cat was going to were this glasses. Basically every single letter is related with something to do with cats. The "L" I drew it as a scratchy stick, the "g" as a fat cat and the "e" like a cat that is leaning on the floor. I used graph pencils to do the sketches, pigment liner to redraw the lines and color pencils to make more colorful.

Is almost formal balance because the black cat with glasses it's almost at the center and the the main place where you will look at the drawing. I made the background red because it's a powerful color and it catches people's attention.

At first I thought on leaving the drawing black and white, but then I thought It would look much more better with colors.