Claire Fournie

Artist Statement:

My artwork aims to show women’s reactions to misogyny throughout the course of history; over specific time periods. The female figures in each work evoke a silent indignation: looking off to the side and never at the viewer. The women in my artwork challenge the idea of power, with bold clothes & tattoos (based on images from the era/challenging styles from the era). I am interested in the female portrait as inspiration for the overall shape of the composition and also an almost “unfinished” look (i.e. the portrait stopping at the edge of her hair/ the edge of her shirt). In my work, I enjoy trying different shading techniques I might not normally use with pencil, while adjusting for any minor mistakes to which pens are prone.

Colored pencil on paper

Colored pencil on paper

Soft pastel and charcoal on paper

Colored pencil on paper