Cecilia DeLeon-Wilson

Artist Statement:

How does loneliness manifest in the psyche?

My work hones in on specific emotions I was experiencing after my grandma passed away. During the same time of her passing, my mother left home to help another family member. Adding to my feelings of loneliness, my sister moved away to begin her first year of college.

The intent of my portfolio is to be read more as a story which utilizes graphic novel elements. The graphic novel format allowed me to visualize the shifts between individual feelings as well as make a series of artworks that were both visually engaging and read as a narrative. I incorporated an alien aesthetic that broke the bounds of the natural world in order to exaggerate the idea that my mind had been transported into an alternate, alien world. The space aesthetic and primary color scheme also helped me express the emotional intensity of each individual piece.

Digital illustration; Procreate app

Digital illustration; Procreate app

Mixed-media on yupo

Mixed-media on paper