September 2019

Welcome Back!

We had an amazing start to this school year!  We put up new displays, introduced Strawbees and Power Clix, had many ILL requests from teachers and students, set up a new whiteboard table, and had several classes come to the library!  I think that this school year is going to be a great one!

Strawbees, Power Clix, and Whiteboard Table

This year we introduced Strawbees and Power Clix to our students to use during study hall.  We challenged them to be innovative and creative with them and so far they have not disappointed!  We cannot wait to see what they create next!

7th Grade Library Orientation

All the 7th Graders came to the library this month for their library orientation.  They were recruited to complete an "Impossible Mission".  All accepted the challenge and learned a lot about the library during their mission!

8th Grade Book Speed Dating

The 8th graders were also in the library this month participating in Book Speed Dating during their English classes.  The library was set up to mimic a cafe experience with candles, flowers, and soft jazz music!  Just about every student left the event with a date (a book) and a kiss (Hershey's Kiss that is)!

10th Grade Musical Chairs: Library Edition

The 10th grades also got the opportunity to check out either a classic novel, biography, autobiography, or memoir for the 1st quarter book report by competing in Musical Chairs: Library Edition!  We all had a blast and the winners of each round walked away with not only a book but a Stewart's gift card as well!


College English: Greek Drama

Let's not forget about the 12th grade college English class.  The worked diligently in the library this month to complete their Greek Drama assignment using print and digital resources!  Way to go!

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week has been an annual celebration in libraries and schools across the country since 1982 and is celebrated the last week in September.  This week is all about highlighting the importance of intellectual freedom and reminding us not to take this precious freedom for granted.  It reminds us that we should have free and open access to information in all forms not just books.  

In order to celebrate Banned Books Week here at RJSHS we promoted books in our library that have previously been banned in other libraries across the country.  Students and staff were shocked by some of the reasons certain books were banned! While others couldn't wait to get their hands on a Banned Book!

Sora App: Resource Video

Don't forget to check out our eBook and audiobook platform if you want to read in a format other than traditional print.  Here's a video to help you get started!

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Mrs. Jenner's Book Reviews