March 2018


There must be a rainbow behind all this snow!  What's at the end of the rainbow?  Books!  Oh ... and a pot of gold of course!  

We also featured some facts on amazing women in history for our Women's History Month!

It's Almost Spring Break!

Planning a trip over spring break?  Where are you going to go?  Maybe Italy, Florida, or New York City?  No ... well you could travel the whole world this spring break!  Just check out a book or two or three!  Bonus .... no flying with a toddler kicking the back of your seat!

Classes in the Library

This month Mrs. Beach's 9th grade students started their research paper in the library.  They came in for about a week to learn more about using NoodleTools and how to research using different types of sources such as print books, websites, and eBooks.  By the end of their time in the library most students were able to complete a large chunk of their requirements for their paper and felt a lot more comfortable starting the writing process.

As always let me know if you have any questions about using NoodleTools or any of the resources that the library has to offer!

Resource - FlipGrid

This month I would like to promote a resource that I just learned more about at my Future Ready Libraries conference.  I know that some of you are aware of this awesome tool but others may not be.  It is so simple yet so amazing at the same time!

"Flipgrid is where your students go to share ideas and learn together. It’s where students amplify and feel amplified. It’s video the way students use video. Short. Authentic. And fun! That’s why it’s the leading video discussion platform used by tens of millions of PreK to PhD educators, students, and families in 150 countries."

You may be saying: 

"Why should I use FlipGrid?"

Definitely check out this Grid created when students were reading a class book!