September 2018

Library Orientation

To start off the school year we had several classes come into the library for an orientation.  Mr. Toney's 7th graders, Ms. Danz's and Mrs. Mouawad's classes all came in this month.  While here they learned about the ins and outs of the library as well as checked out books.  Hopefully, they walked away from the experience feeling more comfortable with how the library is arranged so that they are better able to find books and information needed when entering the library.

Book Speed Dating

Mood music played, lights were dim, flowers were laid out and candles were lit ...

Then 8th graders began speed dating ...

Book speed dating that is!

The books were their "dates" and were arranged on tables in the library by genre.  

We set the mood and let the 8th graders find "the one"! 

Once they completed all their speed dating rounds and found their perfect date they ended it with a checkout and a Hershey's Kiss!

Series Section

Due to the popularity of series books and the frustration that can happen when we cannot find a book in a series in the library we have created a "Series Section".  Series books are now located on the far wall by the windows in the fiction section and have a call number starting with SERIES FIC.  It is our hope that students will get hooked on a series that will keep them reading.  Eventually, we hope, that that series will then led them to certain genres or authors that they like to read to further their reading for pleasure.  If you ever find that you have a minute stop on by and check out the new section!  

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week has been an annual celebration in libraries and schools across the country since 1982 and is celebrated the last week in September.  This week is all about highlighting the importance of intellectual freedom and reminding us not to take this precious freedom for granted.  It reminds us that we should have free and open access to information in all forms not just books.  

In order to celebrate Banned Books Week here at RJSHS we promoted books in our library that have previously been banned in other libraries across the country.  Students and staff were shocked by some of the reasons certain books were banned! While others couldn't wait to get their hands on a Banned Book!

"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture; just get people to stop reading them." - Ray Bradbury

"Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors." - John F. Kennedy

"Banning books is just another form of bullying.  It's all about fear and an assumption of power.  The key is to address the fear and deny the power." - James Howe

"In the age of censorship, I mourn the loss of books that will never be written, I mourn the voices that will be silenced - writers' voices, teachers' voices, students' voices - and all because of fear." - Judy Blume


Enjoy eBooks and audiobooks through Questar III School Library System's OverDrive collection!  OverDrive is an extension of our schools’ physical libraries; only it is online with 24/7 access to audiobook and eBook downloads.  It’s convenient for students from all grade levels to check out titles anytime, anywhere! 

Come to the library for login information or if you have any questions!

Database List

Please remember that we have several databases and other resources available to you to help assist teachers and students.  This year we have access to:


Biography Reference Center

Health and Reference Center

Bloom's Literary Reference Center

 World Book



Rosen Interactive eBooks


NovelNY/Gale Databases

For a list of these databases and resources with links and login information please come to the library and send Mrs. Jenner and email.

Professional Materials

This month we purged through out Professional Collection and found that it was incredibly old.  Most of the materials were over 20 years old and looked like they hadn't been moved from the shelf since they were placed there.  In order to update this collection and free up shelf space we went through all the materials thoroughly to see what should be kept and what should find a new home.  In the end we put together a digital collection of these materials so that in the future teachers throughout the school can easily see what is available for them.  

Please take a minute to browse through this professional collection and see if there is anything you would like to use!