January 2020

Riddle of the Week

Week 1 - I have no doors but I have keys.  I have no rooms but I do have space.  You can enter but you can never leave.  

What am I?

Week 2 - What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Week 3 - What has hands but can not clap? 

Week 4 - What has 13 hearts but no other organs?

Women in STEM Competition

In order to call attention to all the amazing things woman are doing the the STEM fields Mr. Beiter and the library teamed up to put together a schoolwide Women in STEM competition.  

In order to compete students grades 7-12 were asked to find all 7 "Women in STEM" posters that were placed throughout the school.  When they found a poster they read the information that pertained to that particular woman, scanned the corresponding QR code, watched the video and answered the questions that the code brought them to. 

2019 Poulin Project 

At the end of last school year Mrs. Jenner applied for the Poulin Project of Art Resources Transfer.  This is a program that distributes free box sets of literature, poetry and nonfiction by New York State presses and writers.  

In October 2019, we found out that we were approved to receive one of these sets! 

We finally got around to cataloging these books and putting them on the shelves to circulate.  

Thank you Art Resources Transfer!

New Space in the Library

This year has been quite a year for change.  One of the biggest changes in the Library has happened in the Fiction section.  When we weeded the fiction collection we also removed an entire shelf and turned another one in order to free up some space.  In our new found area we decided to create a space where our students could not only go to complete school work but to "just be" as I like to call it.  To just destress and take some time to relax and recharge.  Our students are loving it!  They are collaborating and creating.  They are having conversations and reading silently.  They are using this new space to its fullest potential.  

The majority of the items in the space as of now have been funded through Donors Choose and we appreciate each and every person that assisted us in creating this space.  

We're not done adding to this space just yet!  We have lots of ideas on how to make this space even more beneficial to our students.  Check back for more updates!


TLDR Plugin

Too long, didn't read - have you or have your students ever come across a really great article online that holds all the information you could possibly need on a topic but as your reading you find out that the article goes on and on and on and on and on and on?  

Now you don't want to read anymore right?  Because you are never going to finish it, true? 

Well, don't give up on that article just yet!  TDLR it!

With this plugin you can shorten an article down and get just the summary of it.  It can shorten it down by 25% or even 50%.  This plugin also offers a way to see the whole article in an easier read view. 

But wait! There's more!  If you like that article and still need more information for your research TDLR will "find related" articles for you with one click! 

TDLR can even verify if a website is trustworthy and will verify it for you with the "unparital" button.  

Try it out today!

Riddle of the Week Answers

Week 1 - A keyboard

Week 2 - A stamp

Week 3 - A clock

Week 4 - A deck of playing cards