Early Completion Option (ECO)

Early Completion Option (ECO)


Induction programs are designed to be completed by candidates during a two-year period as a beginning teacher.  Experienced and exceptional candidates may be placed in the ECO one-year induction program with the approval of the agency representative. 


Experienced and exceptional candidate with a minimum of one year of exceptional (above satisfactory) teaching experience* in a TK-12 setting within the last two school years before initial enrollment in our induction program.

*Teaching experience: CTI program standards allows flexibility in teaching assignments for ECO eligibility. Candidates do not need to be the teacher of record. Assignments can be part-time, co-teaching, alternative settings, etc. Please contact the credential care team at ctisupport@rcoe.us for eligible teaching assignments for ECO eligibility.



ECO Approval Deadline Dates: 

December 15 for traditional candidates and April 1 for midyear candidates.


Note: Induction is an individualized, needs-based program.  Candidates who need to clear a General Education or Education Specialist credential that have verified extensive teaching experience, expertise and/or also hold a clear credential in an area other than the one they are seeking to clear, are encouraged to contact CTI to inquire about personalized induction options.  Personalized options require an evaluation by CTI staff and approval of the candidate's employing agency representative.


ECO Enrollment Process: Partnering Employing Agencies


Enrollment Process: Private Pay Candidates