All About Mrs. Ashba


By:  Cambrie Narey

“Good morning Edgewood Junior High School, please stand for the morning announcements.“ Every homeroom or first period, you hear this familiar greeting, followed by the pledge of allegiance, the morning announcements and the joke of the day. This is presented by either Mrs. Norris, Mrs. Straw, or Mrs. Ashba. Although there are three people who do the morning announcements, Mrs. Ashba is by far the best! The main reason being that she uses funny voices every time she does the announcements. She is one of the people at the front office and her job is being the school’s Attendance Clerk. 

A photo of Mrs. Ashba

As the attendance clerk she enters the attendance for students, whenever parents call the school because their student is absent. She also asks teachers questions on their attendance sheet. Other tasks Mrs. Ashba does during the day include answering the phones and helping whoever comes into the main office. Mrs. Ashba says, “If a student comes and has a question I can collect the person who has the answer or if I know the answer then I will answer it.” Mrs. Ashba says that the training she had to do for the job was, sit down with the past attendance clerk, to learn what the job is. She also says the thing she loves the most about her job is the people she works with. 

Mrs. Ashba says that she decided that she wanted to work in a school whenever she gave birth to her last child, so that she could have the same schedule as her children. Originally she started as a kindergarten assistant for RBB and has been working for the school corporation for over 5 years. Mrs. Ashba says that the hardest part about her job was, “Learning computers, because I didn't have any experience with technology.” But says, “I have learned the programs that I do well, but the things that I don't I still have trouble with.” 

Mrs. Ashba while shes working 

6th grader, Zoey Carter says, “I like Mrs. Ashba, because she is very energetic and funny when she's working.” In conclusion Mrs. Ashba is a great attendance clerk for EJHS. Even though she hasn’t been teaching for a long time, she is still one of the best. She helps keep the middle school running by assisting the students and making sure their attendance is accurate. Now the next time that you hear a funny voice on the announcements you’ll know that it’s Mrs. Ashba!

Authors Bio

Cambrie Narey is a 6th grader, who loves drawing, music, and friends.