Why the Weight Room is Beneficial

Houston McLain 3/21/24

 Have you ever been in P.E class, excited to play the game, and then Mr. Sparks tells the class to head over to the weight room? To some, this could be an exhilarating experience, but others could dread it. In this article you will learn that the weight room is beneficial because it strengthens bones, prevents heart disease, and the weight room can benefit a child’s health.

A child going to a weight room is very beneficial to their body. Weight lifting can even help strengthen, and if not done right, weaken bones. If you have good form and are doing the weight right for you at the time, it can be very beneficial to your body. Weight lifting is also a double edged sword though. If a child is lifting too much weight and has bad form, it could really hurt a child's growing bones. Mayo clinic talks about this in one of their articles saying,”For kids, light weights and controlled movements are best. Using good form and being safe are most important.” A lot of kids may be obsessed with wanting to be the biggest guy in the school, even though that can severely harm their body. Somebody who does subtle amounts of weights and focuses on his overall physical health and not his muscles, will definitely be more healthy in the long run.

Sometimes, your parents may be worried about you going into the weight room. What a lot of people think is that if you lift weights when young, it could stunt your growth. According to Mayo clinic, “Strength training can become a part of a fitness plan as early as age 7 or 8.” In addition, when you are in P.E class, you will usually go to the weight room at the beginning of class. According to Mayo clinic, “Each strength training session should be followed with 10 to 15 minutes of light aerobic activity and gentle stretching. This helps keep blood flowing to the muscles during recovery.” This applies to the benefit of P.E because after we go to the weight room, we play a game that requires physical activity. This takes the combination of the P.E games and the weight training to make you even more healthy.

Not only does weight training help bones, it can also severely improve your blood flow and cholesterol. If you go to the weight room, According to health.com, “Weight training also has the ability to help individuals manage their weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol—all of which, if elevated, can be risk factors of heart disease.” Weight training can even help prevent heart disease! If you do weight training now, your future self will most definitely thank you. 

In conclusion, the weight room is beneficial because it can strengthen your bones, lower your cholesterol, and even prevent heart disease. But most important of all, always keep good form while lifting.  I hope that after reading this article your point of view about the weight room has changed for the better. 

 Mr. Sparks says," Strength training gives you the opportunity to establish a healthy lifestyle, engage in self-improvement, and it gives you tangible and specific measurements of progress. For students, learning the movements is the first priority and the pr's will come with time and patience.