Mr.Koehler the band teacher.

By: Alder Hanson and Carson Thomas


Band is a class about having fun and being free to express yourself with music. All of this is possible because of our band teacher, Mr. Koehler.

Mr.Koehler is the band teacher here at EJHS, and he works in room 202 near the choir room.  Mr. Koehler has been teaching since he was in high school. Mr. Koehler says, “I had a good time when I was in school doing band, so I went to school for it¨ When we asked him why do you teach band.

Mr.Koehler started band in seventh grade and played trombone, but his band teacher was great. He teaches 6th grade now in third and seventh period. He usually plays baritone instead of playing trombone for his students. In 7th grade he teaches accelerated band, jazz band, and concert band.

Mr. Koehler also teaches jazz band which is only 7th and 8th grade and has different instruments like drum set, guitar, piano, and bass guitar. In the accelerated band you play with the 8th graders and other seventh graders. Although they play more music that is at a different level then what the other seventh graders are playing. In a concert band you play less advanced than the accelerated band. But they don’t just play less advanced music, they go at the same pace as the accelerated band.

Mr.Koehler also takes his own time to do marching band and indoor percussion. In marching band you play the same instruments except there is no trombone; they have the

marching baritone instead. In indoor percussion they play only percussion like the name suggests and they are state champions two times in a row. They play songs like “enemy” and “unstoppable”.

In conclusion Mr. Koehler is a great teacher.

Contributors Bio

Alder Hanson is a 12 year old boy that loves his beagles Autumn and Timber; he also loves his chameleon Eyres. He loves to run track and cross country, He loves to write and read.

Carson Thomas is a 12 year old male who likes to play guitar and listen to metal music