The Flash Season 5 Review

Its a blur! It’s lightning! No, it’s the Flash! This is a review of season 5 of the flash! Enjoy!


The main villain of this season is cicada, who is a Super-powerful being with the powers to steal life force of others, and uses a powerful dagger named Cinquedea. She is also a mass murderer and her parents were killed in a meta-human attack and she lived with her uncle and followed in his footsteps, and she died after flash shot her dagger with a mirror gun when she was trying to grab it.

The blueprints for the mirror gun.

Another villain this season is the Reverse flash, and they fight him in the final battle of the season, where he has the upper hand, but cisco vibes in a capsule and it hits him, ending the battle.

Reverse Flash: A speedster from the year 2451. He is the arch-enemy of Barry Allen (The flash) and went back in time to battle The flash, but got stuck in time, as he lost his speed and couldn’t run fast enough to time travel, and he killed barry’s mother and framed his father for her murder, but they get him to confess and went to prison. He then fought the flash a few more times, and died and became a living paradox.

So the flash season 5 starts out with nora showing up and confronting Barry that she was the one who helped him with the falling satellite. Later in the episode they have to stop a falling plane from crashing into the bridge, so they have to vibrate it at the frequency as sound, so that it would phase through the bridge.

Later in the season it would be revealed that Nora is working with the reverse flash, and that is how she got her powers, while fighting godspeed. She gets her powers present day, but she does it at the expense of doing it With Eobard Thawne. He uses this to his advantage, and he manipulates her and they destroy Cicadas dagger, therefore releasing him from his prison cell as the dagger was the only thing stopping his powers. When they destroyed the dagger it let him out right as he was about to be executed, and he got out and was about to kill all the guards, but the flash saves them and they fight.


Money made:$55,000,000-$66,000,000

Money Spent: Max of 2.6 Million an episode

Cast: Grant Gustin As Barry Allen, Candice Patton As Iris West, Tom Cavanagh As Dr. Harrison Wells AND The Reverse Flash(Eobard Thawne) Among Others.

"I think it could've Been written better. " - Ona Terrell

"ummm''-Macy Mullin

Blueprints for the mirror gun

Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash.