
By: Emma Curtis & Braylin Bentley                                                                                                                  4/17/23

Do you like scary and mysterious movies? But also funny at the same time! Then the M3gan movie is the one for you! The 3 main characters of the story are Violet McGraw, Allison Willams, and Amie Donald. I really think you’ll enjoy this movie! Read more to find more info!

The movie M3gan has a star rating of 3.7 but most of the people rated it as a 5 star rating! Some people really liked the movie and some did not. According to the website https://www.commonsensemedia.org/movie-reviews/m3gan/user-reviews/adult  here is a review that an adult said “So, I took my 11yo to see M3GAN, she really liked it! She has a 10yo cousin and we took her with us. She liked it too (thank god). There is a little bit of swearing, which doesn't bother my kids and they aren't disturbed by violence, so 10+ is good! P.S: If you have a child under 10, please watch the movie WITH them, thank you!” Another adult stated “Not scary. Very entertaining. I took my 11 year old and he totally loved it. The violence is not graphic.”

The three main characters I was just talking about in the last paragraph have a very big and interesting part in the movie. Violet McGraw plays the character, Cady. Cady is the kid that M3gan is trying to protect  from any harm. Cady really relies on M3gan to protect her, navigate things for her, help comfort her and more. Allison Williams played Gemma, who is Cady’s aunt. She was the one who built M3gan for Cady at her work because she couldn’t be there with her all the time because she was so busy with work. Amie Donald played M3gan. M3gan is the doll that is supposed to protect Cady at all costs, make her comfortable, keep her busy, and just give her support. M3gan is a very realistic doll who loves helping, comforting, and talking to Cady. She is very sweet, kind, and caring. But if someone even threatens or hurts Cady or causes her any terrible emotion, she will do more than you think that little doll can do. 

There is a girl named Cady who’s parents died in a car crash and is now living with her Aunt Gemma. Katie is lonely and depressed after the incident, so Gemma decided to make a doll at her work that walks, talks, and does it all to help her. The doll is named M3gan and is supposed to make Cady happy and protect her from any harm. But when someone threatens or does Cady any harm, she does worse than expected. Towards the end, M3gan changes into a completely different doll, and not in a good way. She is fed up with everyone being mean or causing Cady any harm, now she wishes harm upon anyone that walks in her path, even Gemma. M3gan hurts Gemma and Cady sees everything, she is not very happy. Then Cady remembers something that Gemma showed her when she first came, a new friend named Bruce, another animatronic just as strong as M3gan. Then, they defeat M3gan and her harmful self once and for all…

In conclusion, if you are a fan of horror movies this  

Movie is for you, but if you don’t like horror movies this is not the movie for you. You can find the M3gan movie on Peacock tv, Vudu, Prime video, and RedBox. If you watch it, then I hope you enjoy it!

(Most of those TV apps are on Roku devices)