Do People Read Colts Chronicles

Do you know the site called Colts Chronicls?  If you spend your time on this website you will know that we have a varietey of articles.  There are pros and cons but definitely more pros. The pro is that it supports people you know like Jack Grubaugh aka GIGAGRU. The con is, dorothy hamilton says “if you read a lot then, the articles get boring.”

Dorothy Hamilton one of the few people that read Colts Chronicles

Not a lot of people actually read Colts Chronicles (CC). Only 6 of 32 people actually read Colts Chronicles. So 16 out of 32 people do not read CC so those people don’t get the information / entertainment you get from reading it.

There are pros to reading CC like staying informed. If you read CC then you can stay informed on the people and things going on in the school. Stuff like braking news, like the tornadoes, and things like Is YouTube Better Than Tik Tok.

Another pro is that it is entertaining. Articles like Move or show recaps are entertaining and could even make you decide to wach the show with family or friends. Game recaps / guides could help or make you want to play the game.

A con is that as Dorthy Hamilton says “if you read a lot then, the articles get boring.” Which could be true but the articles change every week or so. So if you just keep your mind open to Colts Chronicles and read it then you could be educated and or entertained.