

Inventory Module - HTML Email and Subject template functionality has been added to the Inventory Output templates. Only the [USER...] tags are available in this model.

Supplier Payments - The Status colours have been updated to Pending (Yellow), Complete (Orange), Approved (Blue), Posted (Green). Warnings have been added to the Status > Complete process.

My Organisation - My Company was renamed to My Organisation and moved to the top of the Office main menu.

Organigram - The shortcuts Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D can now be used to order the Organigram.

Planning Board - Added Batch Updates to the Task view - Fields that can be updated: Stage, Status (Only available when tasks are filtered to a Stage), Start Date, Finish Date.


Fixed: Spelling error in Planning Board > Menu > Resotore Default...

Fixed: Removed a field MATUNID_TEMP as well as all references to it (It appears in certain databases).

Fixed: The WO Data Pipeline WO_Act_Stk was displaying Goods Received instead of Goods Returned.

Fixed: When Quotations that were created on older versions were copied to a new Quotation, the GP% was not calculated correctly on the new Quotation. (Fix: the Fixed Cost is cleared when you save an Estimate.)

Fixed: Label Estimating - A Packaging warning was received even when Packaging was not enabled in the Estimate. (No Packaging Services had been added)

Fixed: Supplier Payments - The Post to Ledger action was not enabled when the Supplier Payment was approved (A restart was required). The linked Discount transaction was not deleted from the Ledger when a Supplier Payment was deleted.

The Organigram (Chart) can no longer be edited using drag-and-drop as it corrupted the explicit order of items in a group.