Powerschool Features

Other pages/tabs that are active and available to our PVCSD parents are the following:

Grade History allows you to see past quarterly grades.

Attendance History gives a breakdown of dates absent and absence reason.

Email Notification allows you to choose what reports you would like emailed to you and how often. This feature is optional, and reports can be quite voluminous. Most of this information can be obtained from the web pages.

Teacher Comments allows you to view comments teachers have made relative to the class. You may also find comments in the Grades and Attendance area relative to the term.

Class Registration allows High School students to make course requests for upcoming semesters.

My Schedule shows what the studentʼs present schedule is for this term. Depending on when the studentʼs Encore classes begin and end, this information will change.

    • If your child is in the Middle School, select Matrix view, and slide your cursor to the middle of the page and select VIEW FULL YEAR SCHEDULE. This will give you a nice list view of your child's schedule.

Transportation Info allows you to see the bus route information for your child. Click the question mark in the upper right portion of the screen below menu for help and information about the page you are on.

School Information provides school address information.

Demographic Change allows families to update their address, phone numbers and emergency contact information. Please check this often for accuracy.

Account Preference allows you to make changes to your PowerSchool profile.

Honor Roll shows past Honor Roll status.

Pages that are not actively used are:

School Bulletin allows access to the school daily announcements. This information changes throughout the day, so check back often.

Balance is not used at this time.

Remember to log out of your PowerSchool account when finished.