Professional Development

Focii for Professional Development 2024


This Professional Development is being overseen by the school management team.

Initial  conferences of all staff will be carried out by the end of week 6, term 1. 

All observations, conferences and Teacher Inquiry  will have the focus of developing one of the key goals above, with a priority focus on raising achievement in Reading, and Maths. 

Inquiries  will be linked to the goals expressed in the  Teacher Action Plan/Inquiry Designs which each staff member will have completed by the end of week 7. 

Individual Teacher Inquiry & Action Plans will also link through into Attestation goals. Staff Performance Management and Appraisal will be linked to performance against the goals expressed on both Job Description and in the Individual Teacher Inquiry/Action Plan.

Team Leaders will be responsible for the observations and conferences with their Team Members. Management Members will be responsible for observations and conferences with their Team Leaders and of their Team Leaders. This will happen in selected classrooms only for the purposes of verifying and strengthening the process throughout the school. The SMT will be responsible for coaching Team Leaders and Management Members and carrying out selected observations and conferences with them in order to strengthen and verify the process.

The SMT Appraiser will regularly check in with this process  and give feedback to the SMT. The SMT will feed back to the Board.

Professional Development Mathematics  Structure

The school SMT will run this and will use staff and team meetings along with walk-throughs to develop the key themes which were identified in 2023

Professional Development Writing Structure

The school SMT will run this and will use staff and team meetings along with walk-throughs to develop the key themes which were identified in 2023

Professional Development Reading Structure

The school SMT will run this and will use staff and team meetings along with walk-throughs to develop the key themes which were identified in 2023

Professional Development  Manaiakalani Learn, Create, Share Structure

All staff new to Manaiakalani will attend 2 days orientation in January 2024

All staff new to Manaiakalani will receive in class mentoring during their 1st year. This will typically take the form of the Manaiakalani Mentor modelling the delivery of the Cybersmart curriculum in those classes.

Manaiakalani makes termly after-school  toolkits available, the weekly 9 week Digital Fluency Intensive course for nominated staff, a termly focused staff meeting, professional learning groups and on-call assistance at any time.

Professional Development  Wellbeing Structure

A Kahui Ako based working party will be established to design and help launch the integrated area wide strategy.

Pt England School will focus on the same 3 items as the area strategy; -Healthy, Kai, Healthy Activity, Healthy Weight, Mental Health 

Pt England will also embed a year long programme to boost cognitive connection with Wellbeing

Pt England School will also re-run, using our own design and build, the Student Wellbeing Survey, in T1,  in order to gather more meaningful information. We will use this data to inform our development design.

Pt England School will re-instate our Student led Health team to ensure we are gathering and acting on Learner Voice, and in order to build engagement, empowerment and capability among our student body.

We will also re-run the Staff Wellbeing Survey in T2, once we have tested the rebuild of the student survey.

Professional Development Teaching as Inquiry Structure

All staff will be guided toward a valuable inquiry focus that must be of value for them in their teaching practice and must also be addressing one of the school's priority development areas.

Staff meet with the A.P. supervising the inquiries to talk through the inquiry focus and and challenges. Inquiries must link evidence to practice in meaningful ways and must meet the criteria promoted by the NZC, Woolf Fisher Research Centre and be coherent with the requirements we are placing on Kahui Ako Staff.

Inquires will be evidence based and should be firmed up by week 6 or 7 of T1

Inquiry focused staff meetings will be held twice termly, one near the beginning of the term to set/discuss the direction and one near the end of the term to present findings and hypotheses to peers and colleagues.

Teacher Inquiries will be blogged publicly and need at least twice termly updates, though monthly is to be preferred.

Professional Development Culturally Responsive Pedagogy & Practise Structure

This area is 'sustaining and developing' area in 2024, rather than a major focus.

These issues will be referred to regularly at staff and team meetings.

We will remind ourselves during T1, of what Tapasā is asking of us.

We will remind ourselves (via staff meeting) during T2, of what Ka Hikitia is asking of us.

We will ensure that 'The Pt England Way' theme in T1, provides multiple opportunities for our learners to connect with their culture, their whakapapa, their origin and their place.

We will work on and continue to promote a blended cultural approach that works for our learners. We will pursue culturally appropriate pedagogy via Manaiakalani Learn, Create Share and the responsive learning design and practice we apply to Reading and Writing.