Class Blogs

Every class at Pt England School has a class blog as well as some specialist blogs eg KPE, Talanoa Mai (extension), Sport, Gardening etc.

In Years 1-3 this is an essential part of the Learn. Create. Share. process

It is expected that classes will post at a minimum of once a week, but more frequently is preferable to ensure all students have a regular opportunity to share their learning online. This should be sharing and celebration of student learning NOT a showcase of exemplar pieces.

The class blog provides the foundation material for the Cyber Smart curriculum at these year levels

In Years 2-8 where the students all have individual blogs, the class blog is still very important

  1. For most people it is the portal (parthway) to the individual blogs
  2. It is the digital footprint of that class AND teacher to the rest of the world

We would expect to see class blogs updated weekly, and a simple place to start would be to copy/paste a ost from a student individual blog each week as well as posting classroom updates and events

NB: The Pt England class blogs have a huge national and international audience and contribute significantly to the class teacher's CV, digital footprint and reputation