Photo of group of students sat on the floor looking at books, laptops and tablets taking notes.

Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment (TESTA)

Introduction to TESTA

TESTA is a joint National Teaching Fellowship Project with four partner universities of similar character: Bath Spa, Chichester, Winchester and Worcester. TESTA aims to improve the quality of student learning through addressing programme-level assessment. 

TESTA logo - TESTA stands for Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment


Assessment innovations at the individual module level often fail to address assessment problems at the programme-level, some of which, such as too much summative assessment and not enough formative assessment, are a direct consequence of module-focused course design and innovation.

TESTA enhances curriculum design and pedagogy by rebalancing formative and summative assessments, making connections across the programme, and ensuring sequencing and progression of assessment across the programme. 

TESTA process

TESTA is a four step process involving a Learning Designer, team of academics and students.

TESTA engenders a collaborative approach to transform the experience of students through assessment. 

 To find out more please email testa@port.ac.uk  or complete the expression of interest questionnaire.