

Using slide 16 -18 

LI: To explore Maori and Pasifika heroes and create a profile about one of these heroes and present it to the class. 

TASK 1: In your literacy book - answer these questions: 

(Hint, look at slide 17 for inspiration)

TASK 2 - Do a one-page profile of a Maori/Pasifika superhero. 

What makes them a hero?

What powers do they have? 

Think of purakau/stories like - Maui and the Sun; Hineputehue when she sucked up the storm; etc)

Post your profile to Dojo. 

LI: To analyse Marvel movie posters 

Action Genre Slides

Slide 11-13


Look at the different Marvel Movie posters on slide 13. 

Critically analyse 4 of them using the Marvel Poster Analysis (make sure you MAKE A COPY). 

Then post to Dojo when you have completed it. 

Marvel Poster Analysis


LI: To understand ‘ordered pairs’ 

Last week we looked at mapping diagrams and finding the relation between two numbers. 

Now we are going to turn these into 'ordered pairs'. 

Complete task 21 in your literacy books.



This week we are focusing on ENCOURAGING OTHERS - perhaps we can look at how we do this through Waiata and Haka?

Kia ora Te Kahu! Missing you guys heaps, and hope you guys have had an awesome week so far with Miss Rouse (and BONUS getting Whaea Danni on Monday!!!!! 😍) 

We know that the end of year praise-giving is coming up, and for many of you year 8s this is a time where you are saying goodbye to your school whanau. An idea we had was about learning a waiata or a haka to perform at praise-giving. To show our love and gratitude for our school, to say goodbye, and for you year 7s - an opportunity to step into the year 8 space next year.

I will post 3 options here and maybe you guys could have a listen, talk to Miss Rouse and see if you guys think you'd want to learn one (or more). Pai to rā! 

Whaea Ash xx


This waiata was written by someone you all know from our Taonga Puoro stories... Hirini Melbourne! 

Obviously it sounds quite deep in this video, but I'm sure with some of our amazing wahine toa in our class we can make this sound amazing! 


Another waiata written by Hirini Melbourne! This one could sound really amazing, and you guys could really pull this off! Do we have anyone who could do guitar? Or Whaea Ash could try learn it 😂

Hutia te rito
Hutia te rito o te harakeke
Kei hea te kōmako e kō?
Kī mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui?
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
Māku e kī atu
He tangata! He tangata! He tangata, hī!

Pull out the shoot,
Pull out the shoot of the flax bush
Where will the bellbird sing?
Say to me
What is the greatest thing?
What is the greatest thing in this world?
I will say
The people! The people! The people


I have posted the kotiro (girl) version and the tane (male) version of this haka. 

This haka is from Te Tai Tokerau and it has a really interesting meaning. Its about being strategic, making plans and executing your plans. Its about defeating the enemy and continuing to fight on, to be resourceful. How do you think this could relate to you as year 8s? As year 7s? 

I mea au i tū ai koe ki te riri

Kia taea te ika o te kōpua

Kāhore i te pātihitihi nei anō

Kua karanga koe kāti!


E tama te uaua

E tama te māroro

Inā hoki rā te tohu o te uaua

Kei taku ringa e mau ana

Te upoko o te kāwau tātāhika!

Hikurangi tūtei pō

Tūtei ao!

Ka whawhai!

Ka whawhai!


Ka whawhai!

Ka whawhai!


Ka whawhai ki roto

Ki te awa pūare katoa ake

Ka whawhai!



Wekuweku mai tō hiore




We are focusing on NZ navigators...