Timetable T3


We are nearing the end of our representation unit. Think about the ways characters are represented in childrens books. Head over to the library and choose 4 texts. Use 1 character from each of these texts to synthesise using this google draw. Think hard about how they are represented to their audience. Is there a particular author that tries to represent cultural diversity more than another? 

Maths- Statistics

LI: to interpret a data display. 

Around the room are 5 different tasks. Work your way around the room to solve the problems. Take a close look at the questions, graphs and tables and use your statistical knowledge to interpret each display. 

Data Interpretation.

LI: to create a statistical report. 

You have learned how to construct a range of different statistical graphs over the past 7 weeks. You are now given the task to carry out your own statistical inquiry. 

Use the PPDAC Cycle to conduct your investigation. 

P- Problem: What is a problem our school is currently facing? 

P-Plan: How will I conduct my investigation? 

D- Data: Gather your data and record it in a table. 

A-Analysis: Analyse your data by creating and accurate graph. 

C-Conclusion: Write a conclusion of your findings. Be sure to include the mean, median, mode and range of your data and a summary of what you have found out. 

Publish this onto an A3 or A4 Sheet to be displayed in our classroom. You may also choose to do this digitally. 


Virtual Adventure

Religious Education

RE Mahi to Finish 


Aotearoa Histories 

You need to get all your filming done this week if possible so that you are ready to edit in week 7! 

We will watch all of our films together on Friday of week 7  and take a vote to see who makes it into the film fest.