Timetable T3


Under the Mountain


gathering data.pptx

Complete task 5 in your math books. Make sure to number each question and set it out clearly in your math book. Use a ruler to draw up your tables.

This is the cycle you use when carrying out a statistical investigation. 

P: Problem- what is the problem? What are you wanting to find out?
Create a question that will help you find the answer. 

P: Plan - What are you going to measure? Who are you going to ask? How will you find this out? Where & how will you record this? 

D: Data - Collecting your data, is it from a reliable source? 

A: Analyse - Sort your data, put this into a table. Create an appropriate graph. What patterns do you see? 


Film Festival 

This week we are focusing on camera angles and choosing our topics for this years film festival! Think carefully about who you are going to work with, what story you are wanting to tell and how you might tell this. 

Make a copy of the Camera Angles document and work with a group of no more than 4 people to complete the task. Post this to your Dojo once completed. 

Film Festival


It is time to start creating your story board for your films. 

A story board should help tell your story and will help you and your team to keep on track with completing your films. 

Think about the scene, camera angle, backing tracks, lighting, costume and script for each scene. 


Find four prayers to Mary that speak to you. Record these in your faith journal. 

Choose your favourite prayer and then find an image of Mary. 

Trace around the outlines of this image of Mary lightly with a pencil.

Use the words of your prayer to then fill in the image.  

Powerful prayers for Mary's intercession

Prayers to the Virgin Mary

Daily Prayers

Te Kahu Karakia T3
Assembly Karakia