

LI: To understand that Genre has a set of rules and conventions and to understand that there are certain 'ingredients' for each genre in reading and writing

Intro to Literary Genres
Genre Conventions.pptx
Genre Conventions - posters to print.pdf

LI: To show our understanding of conventions and how they help us to identify different genre. 

Think about your FAVOURITE BOOK or MOVIE and write in your literacy book: 



Favourite Book/Film: 


What genre it belongs to... 

What ‘conventions’ help you to decide that?

Use the posters next to this box and the 'Narrative Genres' PowerPoint above for guidance. I have put some of the Adventure conventions in bold below!


My favourite book is The Lord of the Rings... I believe it belongs to the ADVENTURE genre because... in the book Frodo and his friends leave their safe hobbit town and go on a dangerous adventure. There are lots of different battles between good and evil and there are lots of times where I wasn't sure if they would complete their quest, or even survive. 


LI: To create and describe shape patterns. 

Complete Task 1 in your Maths book - make sure you rule up your page and add the learning intention and date. 

Once you have finished Task 1, you can do the Task 2 activity in pairs. Post your sequences to Dojo.



Focus: Early voyaging/navigation

Early NZ Voyaging

Brainstorm on voyaging, looking at what we already know, what we want to know, and how we can source this information.


LI: To understand how our school's values strengthen our wellbeing and connect to the dimensions of te whare tapa whā

This week we will be looking at our school values and the way that we uphold these everyday. We will focus on how we treat others and using kind words this week. 

Have a look at our school values on the website (linked here) and think about how these connect to your Haoura, your wellbeing.  Then, fill out the School Values and Me sheet.

School Values and Me.pdf
Te Kahu Haoura T4


Focus: Communion of Saints

God's Gift - Taonga of Free Will

"If you choose, you can keep the commandments, and to act faithfully is a matter of your own choice"    Sirach 15:15

Write a memo from God’s perspective about why God gives people free will, how God desires people to use their free will and what God ultimately desires from people. Once finished, upload it to Dojo!


Read Scripture 

Sirach 15:14-20 (Ecclesiasticus)

Write in your RE book about what this scripture means to you