Contracts Term 1

Key Events 

Mon: Waitangi Day

Weds: Swimming, Leadership Applications Due. 

Thurs: Swimming

Fri: Rugby Academy, Assembly, Leadership Positions Announced. 



What punctuation do we already know? 

Create a brainstorm together as a class. Choose one piece of punctuation and create a display to have in our class. You need to include what it looks like, its name and an example of how it can be used. 


Using punctuation correctly. 

Recap on yesterdays session. What have we learned? How can we use it? 

Complete the task to show you know how to use correct punctuation. 


Now that you know how to use punctuation correctly it is time to use it in your writing. Think of one thing that you would like to change about our school. Write exactly 100 words to convice me that we should make that change. 

Be sure to use correct punctuation! 

Religious Education 

Tuesday:Our Partnership with God. 

What is your relationship with God like? How can you grow this relationship throughout 2023. 

Creating a Map of our Heart. Show who is important to you, what is important to you and where is important to you.

Wednesday: Partnerships between the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. 

Partnerships between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

What is the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  Have a look at these images, how do you think these represent the trinity? 

Create 2 images of your own that reflect the Holy Trinity in your Faith Journal. 

Thursday: Partnerships between the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. 

Partnerships between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

What do we know about the Holy Spirit? How does the holy spirit help us to connect with God? Join in on the lesson and make sure to follow instructions carefully. 

Aotearoa Histories

Tuesday: Read Te Tiriti Together 

Complete Remember, Analyse and Understand. 

Waitangi day history School journal article .pdf

Wednesday: Timeline task! 

Take notes as we go through these slides together. Complete the Venn Diagram comparing the Treaty of Waitangi & Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

The treaty of Waitangi_ (6).pptx

Thursday: Complete the remaining activities and choose 2 to share on Dojo with your whanau. 


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Code: F3XXS7CK

Tuesday: Knowledge Check 

Complete the knoweldge check so Whaea Danni can see where to support you this year! 

15MINS Khan Academy 

Wednesday: Reading Maps 

Can you read a map? Today we will look at compasses and direction. Compelte the Figure it Out Task independently. 

15MINS Khan Academy 

Thursday: Reading Maps 

Use your new knowledge to create a map of your own. Write directions and get a buddy to test it out. 

15MINS Khan Academy