Contracts Term 1

Welcome back to 2023!

We are in for an amazing year full of fun, learning and challenges. It is term one which means you must have a potae if you are wanting to get outdoors and enjoy the lovely summer sun. Each week your learning will be posted on our class site for you to access. We will do some work in our books and some online. Each week you will share snippets of your learning with your whanau through seesaw. I cannot wait to see all that you will achieve this year as we work together!

Nga mihi nui,

Whaea Danni Thomson

WEDNESDAY- Welcome Back!

Te Reo Maori

Mihi Whakatau

Welcoming in our new whanau.

Admin & Class Set Up

What do you want our class to be like?
What do you want to see happen this year?

Religious Education & STEAM

Partnerships with our peers. What makes a good friend? How can you be a good friend this year. Create a friendship Y Chart.

Aotearoa Histories & Literacy

The Tree Hut Treaty & Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

What is similar? What is different? How can this apply to our classroom?

Treehut Treaty.pdf
The treaty of Waitangi_ (6).pptx

Aotearoa Histories

Our school history. Unpacking our mural. What do the images mean? How does this help us share the history of our school.


Math about me. On the first page of your math book we are going to set up math about me. Use the printed template to share a bit about yourself.

Health & PE

Our class treaty, what do we want our class to be? Create and collaborate our Te Kahu Class Treaty.


Religious Education

Our Partnership with God.

What is your relationship with God like? How can you grow this relationship throughout 2023.

Creating a Map of our Heart. Show who is important to you, what is important to you and where is important to you.

Aotearoa Histories & Literacy

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

What do we know about the treaty of Waitangi so far?

Read journal together and work on Remember, Understand and Apply tasks. Glue these into your literacy book.

Waitangi day history School journal article .pdf

Aotearoa Histories

Our school history. Unpacking our mural. What do the images mean? How does this help us share the history of our school.


What can we work on this year?
Today we will be checking our number knowledge and use of strategies.

Health & PE

Bring your PE gear and a potae! We will be heading out for a fun game together.

Te Reo Maori

Kapa Haka Practice for our mural unveiling and blessing.

PCS KapaHaka


Religious Education & STEAM

Partnerships between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

What is the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? Read and respond to the given text. Unpack the scriptures together. Look at the images around the room. How do these reflect the Holy Trinity.

Aotearoa Histories & Literacy

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

What do we know about the treaty of Waitangi so far?

Read journal together and work on Remember, Understand and Apply tasks. Glue these into your literacy book.

Waitangi day history School journal article .pdf

Aotearoa Histories

Our school history. Unpacking our mural. What do the images mean? How does this help us share the history of our school.


Complete Math About Me

Set up online math profiles.

Prodigy & Khan Academy

Code: 4769667

Code: F3XXS7CK

Te Reo Maori

Kapa Haka Practice for our mural unveiling and blessing.

PCS KapaHaka

Health & PE

Create your Avatar using the link below and add it to the shared slides. Make sure it has your name on it. This will be used for daily sign in.

Bring your PE gear and a potae! We will be heading out for a fun game together.

Rugby Academy