It's Week 6 already Te Kahu - over halfway through Term 4!!!! 

We loved spending time with you all at camp and seeing you all having an amazing time with your friends, practising whanaungatanga and showing your leadership skills throughout the week - we are so proud of you guys. 

Now let's smash the next 4 weeks 🤙 

Whaea Ash + Miss Rouse x



LI: To create a book cover that shows the audience what the genre is and what the story may be about using visual and written features.

If you have not completed your Book Cover, this needs to be done THIS WEEK please. Post to Dojo

LI: To understand ACTION  genre conventions, themes and ideas.

In your books - Write about the difference between 'conventions' and themes. Copy the table into your books - this will help you with tasks as we move forward. 

LI: To create a recipe for the perfect "Action Film"

Write a recipe for your perfect action film - what would it have in it? A superhero? Explosions? Look at the slide example for ideas - be creative 🤩


This week we are looking at Mapping Diagrams and Ordered Pairs.

Monday's LI: To understand mapping diagrams 

Tuesday's LI: To understand mapping diagrams using numbers 

Wednesday's LI: To be able to interpret mapping diagrams and find 'ordered pairs'

BELOW ARE 2 x Worksheets to complete once you have covered all of your Tasks in our Maths Powerpoint :) 



Communion of saints 

Te Kahu Karakia T4

This week we will continue our prayer roster... Please make sure you are prepared for your turn with an opening karakia, a verse, a reflection, waiata and a closing karakia. 


This week we are focusing on INCLUDING OTHERS

Including Others

LI: To identify the ways that we can INCLUDE OTHERS in the classroom and on the playground. 

This week our focus for PB4L is INCLUDING OTHERS. Jesus had a lot to say about the way we treat others - and he was the perfect example of how to put it into action! 

