LI: To understand mapping diagrams in Algebra


This week we are focusing on CATHERINE MCAULEY and will be having McAuley Day on Wednesday. 


Get into groups of 4-5 and create a poster about Catherine McAuley. Who was she? What was she known for? What good works did she do? Think about the video we watched in class on Monday. 


Look at these Symbols of Mercy. Create a poster showing the different symbols and their meanings. 

Post your poster to Dojo! 


Look on the slide for one of Catherine McAuley's quotes and record it in your RE book. Thinking about what you know about Catherine McAuley - write a reflection about her quote and what you think it means.


This week we are focusing on SUPPORTING OTHERS. 

Supporting Others

LI: To identify the ways that we can SUPPORT OTHERS on athletics day, in the classroom and on the playground. 

Think of 5 scenarios where you could support others in each situation. For example: 

On athletics day - someone might fall over, I could support them by encouraging them to get up and keep trying! I could help teachers by role modelling and doing what I am meant to be doing :)

In the classroom - if someone needs help or isn't sure they're on the right track, I could give them some advice or encourage them to talk to the teacher. 

On the playground - I could cheer for my mates when they get a goal/basket. Or I see someone who is lonely maybe I could go over and talk to them and make sure they are OK.