
Wellness Tracker

Gavin Hake, Writer | 11/16/2021

Who actually takes the time to fill these out if they are not told to fill it out? How many people actually fill it out when they are told to? Does the wellness tracker actually work and what is the purpose?

Using the wellness tracker can have its benefits to keep track of what you have been doing throughout the weekends/week but, it is not that hard to just remember what you did throughout the weeks.

There are a lot of people that don’t even look at the wellness tracker because it doesn’t do anything, just filling in a survey with some questions about how your week has been going. I could just reflect on my week and see how it has been different from the week before without filling this tracker out. For example the few minutes it takes to fill it out there are other things that I could be doing such as homework, getting a head start on class work.

I see the point of the wellness tracker to get students to track how they have been feeling in the past weeks and what they should change, but what happens if students don’t know how to change what has been going on or if they can’t change what has been going on?

I am pretending to fill out the wellness tracker.

What do people see the wellness tracker as? It seems to me that teachers see it as a tool but students, the ones that it is actually made for, is more of a burden. Teachers tell students to fill out the wellness tracker and expect them to fill it out even when they don’t fill it out themselves. Teachers don’t understand that the wellness tracker is an ineffective tool.

The wellness tracker should be optional and not required by the teachers or the school. Students should be able to decide if they want to use it or not because it is not that big of a deal and there are other things the students could be doing instead of the wellness tracker and make a better use of their time.