Drink Water

Drink Water

By: Zane Farra

Water is essential to life. After 3 to 5 days without any form of water our organs start to shut down and symptoms of severe dehydration are brutal.

To prevent any of the symptoms of dehydration we should drink about 16 cups of water according to mayoclinic.org.

Not only does it prevent negative symptoms but there's benefits of drinking enough water daily too.

Here is a small list of benefits to drinking good amounts of water.

  • Gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration and bowel movements

  • Keeps your temperature normal

  • Lubricates and cushions joints

  • Protects sensitive tissues

If you don't currently drink a lot of water. I suggest making an effort to drink a little bit more daily.

You'll feel better and your body will thank you for it.

Go out and buy a water bottle, make the decision to drink water rather than soda at restaurants, whatever it takes to drink more water.