Thanks for joining us for the Survivor Zine Workshop!

To submit to Zine Out! Speak Out!  check out the submission form is HERE!

Watch "Building a self-care Toolbox with Herbal Allies, for Survivors" workshop with Tavi Waits (SAAM 2023)

Take Back the Night History

Each year at PSU, Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) centers the voices of survivors across campus and in the larger Portland community. In 1973, Take Back the Night was birthed by folks in San Francisco protesting the serial murders and violence against women of color in Los Angeles. This effort has and continues to work toward eliminating sexual and domestic violence in all forms by providing a space for awareness, community, and action.

The Women's Resource Center at Portland State has hosted Take Back the Night since 1999. Collectively, we welcome you to center how our futures are interconnected and that a truly violence-free culture must offer safety, dignity, and access for us all. We have immense gratitude to the many folks on campus who’ve helped make Take Back the Night and SAAM possible over the years.


Theme: "Nourishing Reciprocity: Building a Counterculture of Care"


Theme: "On Our Time: Rooting Our Resistance in Rest & Connection"

April 26, 2023


Theme: “Collective Self Determination: Power, Transformation, and Accountability”

Panel discussion with community leaders Anna So, Vo, and claire barrera; moderated by Zubbi Azubuike 

April 28, 2022


Theme: “We Are Each Others’ Future: Resistance, Resilience, and Interdependence”

Speaker: Tourmaline

April 22, 2021


Theme: “Disability Justice & Sexual Violence: Power, Healing, and Interdependence”

Speaker: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha 

April 23, 2020


Theme: “We Are Worthy: Combatting Disposability & Honoring Our Inherent  Worthiness”

Speaker: Dr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs

April 26, 2019


Theme: “Disrupting the Prototype: Who Gets Believed as Survivors"

Speaker: Akilah Powell, Emily Lai, Dara Snyder, Jackie Sandmeyer, Alex Herrera, Cicely Rodgers

April 17, 2018


Theme: “Consent Culture and the Freedom to Change”

Speaker: Feminista Jones 

April 13, 2017


Theme: “Intersectionality and Title IX”

Speaker: Dr. Treva Lindsey (Day), Leah Lakshmi Piepzna Samarasinha (Night)

April 26, 2016


Theme: “Violence Against Queer and Trans Communities”

Speaker: Jackie Sandmeyer

April 23, 2015


Theme: “Transforming Rape Culture: Rewriting the Narrative”

Speaker: Monica Weitzel

April 24, 2014


PSU WRC Take Back the Night Community Panel (2022)

PSU WRC Take Back the Night with Tourmaline (2021)

PSU WRC Take Back the Night with Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (2020)

PSU WRC Take Back the Night with Dr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs (2019)

Sexual and Relationship Violence Response - Confidential Advocate 

Sexual and Relationship Violence Response - Culturally Responsive Organizations and Programs 

Sexual and Relationship Violence Response - More Local Resources 

National Sexual Violence Resource Center - History of Sexual Assault Awareness and Action Month 

National Sexual Violence Resource Center - SAAM 2022: Building Safe Online Spaces Together 

Denim Day History 

Strategies for Survivors - Philly Survivor Support Collective

Navigating Justice for Sexual Abuse Survivors, When You're a Prison Abolitionist and a Survivor - Joshua Briond

Supporting a Survivor of Sexual Assault - UBUNTU and Men Against Rape Culture

Community Organizers Address Sexual Violence Without the Criminal Justice System - Nicole Froio

Resisting Gender Violence Without Cops or Prisons - Interview with Victoria Law

Ending Child Sexual Abuse: A Transformative Justice Handbook - Generation Five

A Different Path for Confronting Sexual Assault - Sujatha Baliga

Consenting to Normal - Hyejin Shim

Planning to Identify, Prevent and Challenge Gendered Violence in Activism - workshop by Project Salvage 

A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence: Pathways to Safety, Accountability, Healing, and Well-Being - Center for Court Innovation 

(Re)Thinking Sex Positivity, Abolition Feminism, and the #MeToo Movement: Opportunity for a New Synthesis - Brook Lober

#MeToo Must Avoid "Carceral Feminism" - Alex Press