Women's Resource Center at Portland State University

Connect with Us

The WRC is OPEN!
Our summer hours are
Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

You can connect with us by emailing wrc@pdx.edu

You can schedule a meeting with a confidential advocate at psuwrc.youcanbook.me

You can reach us by phone:

The Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Program provides confidential advocacy support to student survivors of sexual or relationship violence, sexual harassment, or stalking.

Students can schedule a meeting with a confidential advocate at psuwrc.youcanbook.me or call our confidential advocacy direct line at

Confidential Advocacy: What You Need to Know

The Women's Resource Center's Sexual and Relationship Violence Response (SRVR) Program offers confidential advocates who can support you on campus as you navigate processes and access services. 

If you are experiencing dating or intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, or other forms of sexual violence, you have the right to access confidential services and support under Oregon law.

Advocates are Confidential

PSU's advocates are both privileged and confidential. This means your disclosures to an advocate will not be reported to other university officials and will not trigger a PSU investigation into an incident against your wishes. Exceptions to this confidentiality are:

Most Other Employees, Faculty, and Staff Are Required to Share Information

While you may feel comfortable with your professors, your campus employment supervisor, or your Resident Assistant, employees of the University are required to report any disclosure of sexual or relationship violence to the administration, except for the following: confidential advocates, medical staff, and counselors at Student Health and Counseling, and lawyers at Student Legal Services. 

PSU Confidential advocates provide:

Call our direct line at 503-894-7982, or email us at SRVR@pdx.edu.