Nourishing Reciprocity: 

Building a Counterculture of Care

The WRC selects an annual theme that guides our year of programming and events. Our theme for 2023-24 is Nourishing Reciprocity: Building a Counterculture of Care.

It’s all about the transformative power of community and collectivism as a response to societal norms. Rooted in care, sustenance, and sustainability, this theme draws inspiration from the frameworks presented in "Let This Radicalize You" by Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes. It highlights the importance of direct action, resistance, and self-determination for a more compassionate and equitable world.

Nourishing our communities reciprocally means everyone contributes to and benefits from a shared culture of care. We’re moving beyond traditional structures, embracing a counterculture that challenges the status quo and recognizes the interconnectedness of all members within a community. It’s about transcending individualism to build relationships based on mutual support and care. The concept of care in this theme extends beyond individual concern; it becomes a deliberate and collective act that permeates every facet of community life. The theme calls for collective responsibility to nourish and sustain not just individuals but the entire community.

Resistance and self-determination are crucial in this countercultural movement. Drawing on the insights of Kaba and Hayes, the theme encourages us all to resist oppressive systems and take charge of our destinies. It emphasizes the need for communities to assert our autonomy and redefine the narrative, actively participating in creating a more just and caring society.

Sustainability is critical for the long-term viability of the counterculture of care. It involves not only caring for ourselves in the present but also creating enduring systems and practices that promote resilience and self-sufficiency within communities. Our theme is a rallying cry for a radical shift towards collectivism, resistance, and sustained care as essential elements in our ongoing journey toward social justice.