
With our focus on a broad and balanced curriculum, we are able to teach writing skills in a range of different contexts. 

Some ways we teach writing: 

Writing from Around the School

EYFS Writing Examples

Year 1 Writing Examples

Year 2 Writing Examples

Year 3 Writing Examples

Year 4 Writing Examples

Year 5 Writing Examples

Year 6 Writing Examples

Writing Assessments

SPAG (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)

Scheme Guidance - Guidance.pdf

Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed's approach to spelling involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols as well as using morphology to help spell through meaning.

The carefully selected word lists and engaging activities provide opportunities to incorporate phonics with the meaning of words to strengthen spelling skills and build vocabulary acquisition.

We also use Spelling Shed's breakdown and lesson plans for Grammar skills to support our explicit teaching of grammar skills.Â